
"Top 10 NEW Design Blogs to WATCH" Contest

There is a great contest running at Laissezfaire!
This is taken from Su's blog:
"The objective is to reveal the your favorite newbie design blogs (less than 1 year old) that we should all keep an eye on and encourage them to keep up the good work!

Really hope that this we will be able to get to know more wonderful new design blogs through this combined effort. To nominate, please send an email to toptentowatch@gmail.com by 15th October 2007 . Each person is entitled to vote up to a maximum of five candidates. We will tally the votes and post it together with The Home Rejuvenation's current poll to compare the results! Lastly, do help spread a word on this poll so that we will all be able to uncover more great blogs together! Thanks!"

Don't delay! The contest ends Oct 15th!